We will start with identifying mental clutter, when to deal with it, and some tips on how to clean the mess up.
1st– Identify mental clutter- What do I mean by mental clutter? The Merriam Webster dictionary defines clutter as a noun – a crowded or disorderly place. The verb tense is an interesting twist and what I see our minds doing – to fill or cover with many things. My definition of Mental Clutter is thoughts, beliefs, and fears that hold you back from being your authentic you. Think of it as anything that you should do, could do, ought to do, or not do, because of …
How to identify the mental clutter?
1. Find a quiet safe spot and write – just write. We are not judging, justifying, or doing anything with these thoughts at this time – just write. Think of this as free writing. Spelling and grammar do not matter – your thoughts do matter – A LOT.
a. [Here’s a snippet of my own mental clutter, I can hear my Mother commenting on how spelling and grammar DO matter…blah, blah, blah – thankfully, I note it and move on allowing it no further space in my mind.]
2. Record every thought you have that you should do, could do, ought to do, not do, do better, can’t do, etc.
3. Write down beliefs you think might be keeping you from your true authentic self. What keeps you doing what you are doing? What keeps you from not what you want to do?
4. Describe your fears, concerns, and worries. What are they, why are they, and where are they coming from?
5. Time to celebrate – You identified your mental clutter. Yay, High Five! That’s a positive forward step.
6. Take a moment and think about what you might be covering with mental clutter? This could be a sensitive topic, something that goes deep, something painful or ouchy. Note it for now. Rest now.
2nd - When to deal with mental clutter? Start NOW! The sooner the better and even taking one step to identify and clean your mental clutter will be a step in the right directions.
When to clean up the mental clutter? How do you know what is most important?
1 Review your list, looking for patterns, common themes, and common sources.
a. Feel free to highlight, underline, or note however makes sense for you.
2 Prioritize your list – What do you want to clean up first? What is most important to you? What would give you the greatest freedom?
a. How you prioritize is up to you.
Some ideas: go for an easy clean to gain momentum and feel success, go for a hard one that may take longer but give you great freedom, or go for a combination. It’s your life and mental clutter so you know best how to clean it. I know you do.
3 Schedule the time to clean – just like cleaning a physical place – it’s not likely to get done unless you plan and set aside time to do so. Mental clutter cleaning takes time and energy. Book enough time to clean, reflect, celebrate and rest afterwards. You may need to book it on your calendar, take a walk, get away for a few hours, JUST take the time to do it. You may want to schedule one session and another later. You know what will work for you.
4 When to clean up those big hard, ouchy, and sensitive topics?
a. The quick answer – the sooner the better. Why? It’s not going away, it is sucking positive energy away from your true authentic self, and it is not helping you be all you were called to be. You have to be ready emotionally and physically to clean it up. I get that 110%. Be sure you have the time and energy to really work on cleaning that topic. Find someone professional to work with – therapist, counselor, or spiritual advisor. I just want for you to be all you can and make a commitment to yourself and others that you will take care of it.
3rd - Tips for Mental Clutter Cleaning
1. Celebrate – you’ve just completed two steps 1. Identifying mental clutter and 2. Scheduling time to clean it.
2. Review the prioritized list you created – What is it about the first one you chose? Why is it important? What will it mean when it’s clean? What will you replace that with once it’s clean? The idea is that once you clean the mental clutter you replace that with something positive that you want in your beautiful mind.
3. Use the What, When, Who, How, Where and Why method. Ask yourself these questions about the specific mental clutter issue you are dealing with.
a. What: What is it? What is it covering up? What judgments, perceptions, and value does it serve? What will happen when I clean it? What will happen if I don’t clean it?
b. When: did I notice it? do I not notice it? do I want to resolve it?
c. Who: does it effect? notices? made it? still makes it? will help/support me?
d. How: do I know it’s clutter? will it feel to clean it? can I clean it? will I know it’s clean once and for all?
e. Where: did this come from? does it happen? can it go?
f. Why: is this in my mental clutter? haven’t I cleaned it before? is this important?
4. When mental clutter comes in your mind a way to deal with it is as follows:
a. Note the thought with out judgment.
b. Allow it to be for a moment.
c. Decide if you want that thought to be with you or if it’s clutter.
d. If you don’t want it and it’s clutter, mentally move it aside and move on with your thoughts and day.
e. If you want that thought to be with you then it’s not mental clutter and it’s important to you.
5. Reflect your new understanding about your mental clutter. What new insights have you gained? You may want to write, draw, or create something for your reflection.
6. Keep working on your mental clutter and it’s a process. It’s not going to stay clean forever. Your brain clutter will need routine maintenance and dusting. Hopefully, as you keep it routinely clean there will be less to clean. Just like a physical space.
7. Celebrate – you’ve just completed steps to declutterring your mind!! How free your mind is to be filled with what you want and positive things!
8. Whoo Hooo. Feel that positive energy flow and may you be blessed beyond your imagination.
I wish you all the best in your spring-cleaning of your beautiful mind. If you find this blog helpful or interesting I’d love to hear from you. Click like, share, comment, or email me. If you are interested in coaching from me, I’d be honored to embark on that journey together with you. Check out my website to contact me. If you want more life and business tips register for the newsletter.
Wishing you Peace & Blessings,
Teresa Bitner
Bold Fulfilled Life Coach
[email protected]
Resources: http://www.merriam-webster.com/