Before I get too far, if you or someone you know has been directly impacted by any of this, I acknowledge you and your grief. I'm so sorry for your loss. You are loved and not alone.
Energetically, it’s hard not to feel the world crying out in pain from all of the suffering, sickness and death. It can become suffocating to feel the deep sadness and stagnation we’re all in.
It’s no wonder, we’re sheltering in place and we’re living life differently from how we did. Nothing seems the same and we’re becoming restless from inactivity. The fear of the unknown adds to our stress and loss.
Grief and Loss during change is 100% normal. Feeling this during this massive time of change and uncertainty is normal and looks different for all of us.
The common grief responses often called stages. I don’t use that term and prefer journey since there isn’t 1+2+3+4 and your done with grief formula. It has its own unique timeline for each person.
I’m referring to the stages that are from the Kübler-Ross. Most experts agree that these stages are not necessarily linear or chronological - so know you are perfectly normal wherever you are. Your journey through these steps may look more like a roller coaster than a linear trip. I swirl through them mostly.
“The Kübler-Ross model (otherwise known as the five stages of grief) postulates a progression of emotional states experienced by both terminally ill patients after diagnosis and by loved-ones after a death. The five stages are chronologically: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.” -
So which stages have you felt?
For many of us we started with denial, then anger, many of us are in bargaining and depression. Some are in acceptance.
I’m swirling between in my common stages I seem to hang out in of bargaining and acceptance with a bit of depression.
Now that you have some awareness about your grief what’s next?
- Acknowledge your grief
- Lean into it and let it be
- Feel it – take time to really feel it. Without judgement
- Learn about it – if you’re reading this you're starting to learn more about grief.
- Journal, Draw, Paint to express and work through your grief.
I have a free article I wrote that you can download. 15 Tips for Coping with COVID Grief. The article includes journal prompts and resources that may be of use.
Want to learn more about working through COVID grief click here and scroll down to my free Grief Journey Assessment – this tool can help you discover where you are and what may be next steps.
If you or someone you know is looking for deeper and more in-depth grief support, I’m offering 30-minute laser coaching at a Pay what’s right for you pricing through this pandemic. Click here to learn more & schedule a session.
I wish for you to be well and know that you aren't alone in your grief.
I’ve noted additional grief and COVID specific resources below, please see my resources page for more.
Peace, blessings and may you be well,
Teresa – Working towards acceptance and leaning into self care.
Teresa Q. Bitner, M.Ed., PMP, ACC - Resiliency, Change and Loss Coach
Partnering with those who have been knocked down and want to build resiliency and move forward to live a bold life.
Resources for Grief & COVID
Psychology Today - COVID 19 & The Grief Process
Harvard Business Review
Torn in Half - Grief in Isolation
How to ID COVID-19 Messages