March’s weekly focus questions:
- What seeds are you planning this spring?
- What wants to be revived or renewed in your life or business?
- What are you growing and lastly this week
- What if you had a fresh start?
I spent March intentionally planting of seeds for my business by working on webpage updates, I’ve resumed my meditation practice, I’m growing through sowing love in my work. Best of all the most precious fresh start is the birth of my new granddaughter – Teagan Emilia! Being a Mimi is the best!
5 Step Quarterly Review
Can you believe it, the first quarter of 2019 is almost over? Let’s take a quick look at a quick 5 step quarterly review process I’ve been doing for the last year. It’s a great way to check into what was important at the first of the quarter and see how you've made progress, what may have blocked success and how to move forward with resilient goals. I've added a bonus 6th step for planning the next quarter too.
1st – Schedule on your calendar the time for your review.
I do my monthly review the first weekend of the month. Typically, Sunday afternoon is my planning time for the week and then if it’s monthly a month. For the quarterly, I add a bit more time to review the yearly goals and intentions I set in January
2nd – Review goals and intentions for the quarter/month/year.
What went well this past quarter? These are your Wins!
Review your calendar, photos, for my personal review. For business, review expenses vs. revenue as well as client records
How do I choose to acknowledge this?
What will I do to celebrate these wins?
It can be free, dancing to music, taking time to go to a place or walk that I love, spending time with someone, or a personal high five, sometimes it’s a thank you to a client, sometimes it’s something that I’ve saved money for, a pedicure, massage, or special dinner out.
3rd What didn’t go as planned and/or didn’t get completed?
What happened that prevented this from getting done?
Sometimes, it’s not as important as you thought, life happened, a distraction or habit is not supportive, or maybe you need more help or support to get this done.
4th What do you want to revive or resume?
5th Does anything need a fresh start?
6th Bonus Step - Set the next quarter’s goal/intention
What is the first thing to get done to complete this?
What support/help/or information do you need to accomplish this?
What my quarterly review revealed.
#1 Goal – regain my health. In January, I shared my bounce back story with a health set back with renewed pain and migraines. I’ve made progress with laser focus, dedication, and rearranging my work schedule. I can report that I'm on track to meet this goal. I’ve been focused on taking care of myself the best I can. I visited with my Rheumatologist, started new medication, kept up with exercise at the Y, returned to eating healthy, using essential oils for migraines and menopause, seeing my alternative health care providers regularly for acupuncture, chiropractic and massage therapy. Combined I am on the mend, my energy is almost back to normal and feeling pretty well these days. Whoo hoo that’s a win! I've celebrated with being happy to pain free & exercise!
My business goals of completing my website update is behind my original goal.
However, I chose to take it slower, get input, play with some ideas, implement some of the new changes and know this is okay as I focused on rest and being healthy first, family second, and business third. Not a win and something to be aware of.
Next Quarter’s Goals and Intentions are to complete website updates while serving my clients the best that I can. Staying healthy while being the best loving wife, mom and Mimi.
Here’s to your renewal and a quarterly review! I hope that sharing mine helps you to keep in moving forward in your 2019 goals/intentions/resolutions.
If you would like support in setting goals or reaching their goals, I am here to support you. Just reach out and contact me. I can help support you in finding a goal, making a plan and achieving success in your resilient goals. My blessing is when my clients make a plan, set goals, achieve them and then move forward to boldly living.
Click here to learn more about how I can support you with goals and plans.
Much peace, love and blessings,
Teresa Q. Bitner, M.Ed., PMP, ACC - Resiliency, Change and Loss Coach
Partnering with those who have been knocked down my life and want to build resiliency and move forward and live a bold life.
[email protected]
Author of Soul Love: How A Dog Taught Me to Breathe Again