Wishing you and yours a peaceful holiday season. I wish you Happy Holidays as there are so many celebrated this time of year.
So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Wonderful Winter Solstice, or Happy Kwanzaa, or anything else you may or may not choose to celebrate.
May you find peace and be at peace. May you be more resilient in 2018.
To help you reflect and build resiliency, I’ve included a free gift: Celebrate YOU: What Makes You SHINE?
- Set aside 30 minutes - just for you!
- Discover your Top 10 Qualities - and one that's at the heart of who you are.
- Create a new belief about you to take into 2018!
Download below
- Brought to you by one of the coaching companies that provide terrific free resources – The Coaching Tools Company. This is their 2017 gift. I have permission to share this with you.
Would you like to partner with someone to set new beliefs and keep those 2018 goals and intentions? I would love to partner with YOU! Contact me.
Register early for Now What?® Coaching starting in January
This program may be for you if you are:
- Ready to make a Change
Change has happened to your life
- Loss of a loved one, health status, caregiver status, moved, or deployed
- Are you wondering Now What?®
- Looking for a new life direction?
- Re-evaluating your career
Sending you much love, peace, & blessings,
Teresa Bitner, PMP, M. Ed., ACC
Partnering with those who have been knocked down my life and want to build resiliency and move forward.
Email me @ [email protected]
PS: Please share and comment!

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