What is a Limiting Belief
A limiting belief is a belief, judgment, or thought that you think is the absolute truth and stops you from doing things and often prevent us from our goals. They can be thought of as false accusations and judgments. They can be subconscious and we aren’t aware we hold them. They are not facts!!
Limiting beliefs are often deeply ingrained convictions about what we think about others, ourselves, or the world around us. These limiting beliefs can suppress our thoughts, actions, and possibilities.
What do they sound like?
That nagging voice in your head that says you're not good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough, have enough experience, not a good speaker/leader… = Limiting Beliefs. They may say, “No, I better not do .., I can’t, I shouldn’t, what will people think, who am I to do, I’ll never be successful, …”
Where do they stem from?
Limiting beliefs can come from how we were raised, authority figures, life experiences, cultural conditioning, education, or negative self-talk and manifest as subconscious assumptions about what we can or cannot achieve. It is our brain’s way of protecting us from the future. Unfortunately, these can lead to fears, anxiety, imposter syndrome, or procrastination.
Here are some common types of limiting beliefs:
1 I’m not worthy of: This belief convinces you that you are not good enough to be, do or have something. It can rob you of happiness, joy, contentment and joy. This one can undermine your self-esteem and lead to being OK with less.
2 I'm not capable or good enough: This belief convinces you that you are not good enough It says you are not capable, lacking in talent, skills, intelligence, to pursue your goals and desires. This is common and leads to lower levels of confidence and discourages us from taking risks, moving outside our comfort zone, and trying new things.
3 I'm not likeable or lovable: This belief convinces you that you are inherently not likeable, unlovable or unworthy of friends, community, love and affection. It thrives by creating insecurity in ourselves that leads to potentially disengaging or sabotaging relationships and connections with others.
4 I'm not deserving or I’m unlucky: This belief convinces you that you don’t deserve good things or blessings and that you won’t be successful or fortunate. You see this as happening only to other people. you'll never be fortunate. It fosters a sense of resignation and can prevent you from pursuing your dreams with confidence and hope.
Do any of these resonate?
In my own examination of my limiting beliefs, I find that it can be triggering and uncomfortable to look at them. This can be tough work to examine your limiting beliefs. Be kind, considerate and compassionate to yourself as you do this. We all have them and it’s normal.
How to recognize common limiting beliefs
1. Awareness - The first step to recognize limiting beliefs is to become aware of them.
2. Reflection - Set aside some time for reflection and introspection. A reflective questions to get you started. Follow me on social media for more on Saturdays.
- What is the biggest thing you believe about yourself that is holding you back?
4. Comparison: Be mindful of comparing yourself to others and then feeling less than or inadequate. Comparison can fuel feelings of inferiority and reinforce limiting beliefs. How does social media make you feel? Where else might you compare yourself – work, family, friends, with others?
5. Fear of failure or rejection: Do you fear failure, not meeting expectations or rejection? Be mindful if you regularly say no to or avoid taking risks or pursuing opportunities because you're afraid of failing or being rejected.
6. Self-sabotage: Take some time to reflect for any self-sabotaging behavior. Do you procrastinate, are you a perfectionist? These are forms of self-sabotage. Do you have other ways you self-sabotage your success or happiness?Ouch, these can be really uncomfortable to look at and see in ourselves AND once you are aware then you can move forward and break them!
Now that you know what a limiting belief is, where it may have stemmed from, and common types. You are now ready to take time to recognize your unique limiting beliefs. Remember, we all have them and we get to choose to work through them so they don’t rule our lives. Once we are aware of them now, we begin to challenge and reframe them.
In my next article we will dig deeper into how to work through limiting beliefs.
Reflective questions to get you started on reframing them.
- What is the limiting belief you have? See your reflection question answer from above or pick a new one
- What’s the cost of this belief? Is there any payoff/benefit to this belief?
- Who would you be if you didn’t believe this about yourself?
- What do you choose to believe instead? How might you positively reframe this?
- Acknowledge and celebrate you took the time to recognize a limiting belief!! This is internal work!! It’s self-care! It’s a resiliency building skill.
While you’re examining limiting beliefs take radical good care of you. Practice self-compassion toward yourself and know that you are cultivating a growth mindset.
You are resilient and building resiliency skill when you recognize and work to dismantle limiting beliefs. When we’re aware of the negative narratives that hold us back we can begin to challenging and reframe them. This can remove our limits and support our positive forward movement into living our lives fully, intention and purpose.
I encourage you to reflect and then challenge your limiting beliefs. Work to let them go! God/Spirit/Universe made you a wonderful unique being that matters! The world needs YOU!
If you or someone you know would like support with limiting beliefs, career change, professional development, or has been knocked down reach out and contact me. I provide a safe place to break free of limiting beliefs and reach your goals and intentions.
Latest client wins – I found balance at work, I am able to advocate for my team and myself at work – thank you!, feeling less anxious and angry so much so my family has noticed and we’re having more fun together! -Whoo hoo! Celebrating their wins! Grateful I get to do this work and see the fruit of their work. Did you see those limiting beliefs getting broken?
I have space for 1 client in May & June. If you or someone you know would like support in your career, limiting beliefs, bouncing back, please contact me. Let’s have a conversation to see how I can be of support.
Follow me on social media for insightful questions, tips, and motivational quotes.
Peace, and blessings,
Teresa – Examining my limiting beliefs- despite the discomfort.
Teresa Q. Bitner, M.Ed., PMP, PCC - Resiliency, Change and Loss Coach
Partnering with those who have been knocked down by life and want to build resiliency and move forward and live a bold life.
[email protected]
Author of:
- Soul Love: How A Dog Taught Me to Breathe Again
- The First Days: Coping with Life after Loss (updated 2nd edition)
- Explorations into the Being and Doing of Coaching: A collection of voices, insights, and wisdom from Austin area coaches
- My Journey as a Widow: A Widow’s First Journal