Are you thinking wow already or are you thinking thank goodness it’s over? Wherever you land take a moment to review this year as we move into the next. Let’s leave behind what didn’t serve us and take forward what does.
I’m beyond ready for 2023 to be over, it’s been a doozy with many major life changes with a few highs and lots of really low lows. I’m looking forward to a better 2024!
I like the ritual of a year-end pause to review and close out the year with reflection and purpose. This year it’s been really helpful to further process the changes and reflect on where I am in life and in this world.
I encourage you to take time to pause, reflect over the past year to reap its benefits. Some of the benefits are listed below.
Benefits of Reflection
- Improved emotional intelligence
- Celebrating accomplishments = higher well-being
- Empathy for life’s challenges, failures, and mistakes
- Clarity and purpose
- Mindfulness and peace of mind
- Lessons learned
- Emotionally digesting what has happened throughout the year
- Process the year and allow it to move to the past
How to do a Yearly Reflection – How to step by step – if you’re not sure how or where to start. Find a quiet place and dig into your calendar or phone photos.
I guide clients through a year-end pause and review that they find illuminating and helpful in closing out their year. It also helps us prepare for the new year.
Here are some questions that resonate with my clients as well some to dive deeper as you dive into for your own pause and reflection.
Take time to process at your own pace.
Questions my clients love:
- What worked well?
- What didn’t work?
- What gives me positive energy?
- What takes away my positive energy?
- What do I want more of?
- What do I want less of?
Questions to go deeper:
- What was I most proud of?
- What have I learned?
- What was tricky and/or challenging?
- What new habit have I started?
- What have I let go of?
- What am I most grateful for?
In the next article, I’ll write more on reflecting forward into the new year.
If you or someone you know would like support in processing their year or has been knocked down reach out and contact me. I provide a safe place to move forward in life and reflect on what is work and what isn’t.
I have space for two clients in January. If that’s you or someone you know please contact me. Let’s have a conversation to see how I can be of support.
Latest client wins – Working part-time at old job to pursue new business, working through tough leadership requests and dealing with a perfectionist leader, setting personal boundaries at work and with family that enhances personal life and partnership.
Follow me on social media for insightful questions, tips, and motivational quotes.
Peace, and blessings,
Teresa – Taking time to Pause and Reflect this topsy turvy year.
Teresa Q. Bitner, M.Ed., PMP, PCC - Resiliency, Change and Loss Coach
Partnering with those who have been knocked down by life and want to build resiliency and move forward and live a bold life.
[email protected]
Author of:
- Soul Love: How A Dog Taught Me to Breathe Again
- The First Days: Coping with Life after Loss (updated 2nd edition)
- Explorations into the Being and Doing of Coaching: A collection of voices, insights, and wisdom from Austin area coaches
- My Journey as a Widow: A Widow’s First Journal