My intellectual side rationalizes that I’ve done some great grief work with my local GriefShare group and my own grief work. I feel like I’m doing really great most days. I typically don’t dwell on the fact mom’s gone from her human existence. I’ve moved to a good place in my grief. However, Mother’s Day is looming ahead with all those darn advertisements and sales. It’s hard to NOT think about the fact, mom is gone, and I miss her. Wah, wah, wah.
Here’s a snapshot of my emotions at the moment….
I’m sad because Mom’s not here this year to call and talk to, visit with or buy her yellow roses - her favorite. It feels melancholy, weird and uncomfortable. I am allowing time to be sad and just be.
On the other hand, I’m happy because she’s no longer suffering, in the hospital or struggling to breathe and she is at peace. I know someday I’ll see her again. I know she’s watching over us all. I also have many rich blessings of my childhood and terrific memories of mom.
I’m working on focusing on the positive because that’s how I have survived these losses. I am blessed to be a mother of two amazing young men and step-mom to another amazing young man. What a rich blessing to be a mom and step-mom. That makes me smile.
To all of the mother’s, mother’s to be, struggling to be a mom, and especially those who’ve recently lost a mother - May you have a blessed and peaceful day.
How can I write these things about my own mother? It’s my calling. I am called to share my experiences so that others can grow, learn, and prepare for death and dying. It’s not IF, it’s WHEN. Are you prepared? If not, let’s get prepared.
Come learn more about Death and Dying in a safe place on Sunday, May 15 from 1 - 5pm.
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