December that happy, busy, hectic, gift giving, party, go here and do that month. I have yet to talk to a client about how happy they are about this time of the year. Where is that, The most wonderful time of the year, anyway?
Not sure, I hear it in the songs and can fondly remember it was when I was little. Today, nope. Not feeling it. Dashing through the NO….fa la la la la la bah humbug ...
Clients are exhausted, burnout, and stressed out this time of year. All those work year end deadlines and expectations piled on top of societies and family expectations for this time of year. Add on the never-ending pandemic uncertainty and you’ve got the makings for a mess or worse a breakdown.
I’m seeing it creep into my own life and stealing the joy from my heart. I’m at best apathetic and sort of going along and at my worst down right grumpy, scroogey, and grinchy. Grumpy cat. When I found this image on Canva I giggled – perfect sums it up for me.
This time of year, can be a challenge for many. It’s normal and perfectly A OK to not feel it. Take good care of YOU!
How to find some peace and maybe some joy - even when you’re not feeling it.
1. Stop and pause and allow yourself to sit quietly in a quiet place
2. Sink into whatever feelings and emotions you’re having.
a. Allow them to just be without judgment.
3. After you feel some peace and quiet reflect on these questions
a. What is most important right now?
b. Who is most important right now?
c. How do I want to show up?
d. Who do I get to be?
4. Consider what would bring you some peace into your heart
5. Consider what would bring you some joy
6. Find meaning in the holiday season
7. If you’re grieving here is an article on how to survive the holidays
8. Consider saying no and setting healthy boundaries
9. Play some upbeat music that makes you dance and sing
10. Get outside and get some vitamin D in the sunlight
11. Hug a kitten, puppy, friend or loved one
12. Write down your gratitude and blessings
If you’re not feeling up to the holiday hype and expectations - remember it’s normal and your don't have to. You CAN say NO.
I wish you and yours peace and blessings during this holiday season. Acknowledge that it can sometimes all of the hustle and bustle is overwhelming.
Take good care of YOU!
Peace, Love, and Blessings,
Teresa – sitting with the discomfort of not feeling it.
Teresa Q. Bitner, M.Ed., PMP, ACC - Resiliency, Change and Loss Coach
Partnering with those who have been knocked down my life and want to build resiliency and move forward and live a bold life.
[email protected]
Author of Soul Love: How A Dog Taught Me to Breathe Again &
The First Days Widow Journey
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