At the beginning of the new year I like to set intentions and come up with a word or words to set the vision for the year. I often do deep detailed goal and intention setting session. I book a half day and go deep. I did not do this this year. Thought of doing my typical deep detailed goal setting feels too heavy and not motivating at all. I acknowledged I’m tired and going to ease into the new year. I allowed myself to take a pass on my yearly big hoo ha goal setting session.
As I reviewed the last year, my health and healing goals and intentions didn’t get 100% results. I had setbacks and lost focus and I’m feeling frustrated. I’m still not where I want to be, health has been a top goal for me since 2018 when the flare of the decade and menopause created the perfect storm of autoimmune health problems for me. [If you want to learn more about my autoimmune journey] Maybe you can relate to goals that keep ending up on your list and unfulfilled. It doesn’t feel so great and I decided to dig into what is going on here.
I can give myself grace as I realized I’ve been on numerous different medications and doing all kinds of alternative and western healing modalities to get my health back. My health is somewhat better but not all the way, 100%. That may be an unrealistic goal, I realize this. I may never get back to where I was or 100%. However, I AM going to keep working for it and advocating for myself. How about you on any missed intentions? Can you give yourself grace? Take a look into what’s behind this. Perhaps it’s time to readjust the goal or intention?
When I asked myself what do I really want? Really deeply want. Healing, Health and Happiness came ringing loud and clear. Simple and yet not easy. It landed and took root and so that’s what I’m going to be focusing on. Healing, Health and Happiness will encompass both my personal and professional worlds. This theme includes intentions and actions.
My first actions are healing. Healing body, mind and soul. We are not just our physical bodies. We are also our thoughts and emotions. We are our soul’s home. The three make up who we are.
To start the healing journey, I remembered, hey, I’m a certified Chopra Center Ayurveda Health Lifestyle Instructor. I took several hours of courses over 2 years and have pages of materials I can lean into. I have a wealth of tools and exercises I have neglected to utilize for myself. I can report that I’ve returned to these healing healthy practices of eating for health, meditation, journaling, and exercise. I am feeling the benefits and healing. Much slower than I like. I remind myself that forward progress is progress. This is a reminder for you as well – forward progress no matter how small or slow is progress. Sometimes slow is fast and will get you there.
My intention is that through focusing on healing I can regain my health fully. I know that the body can and does heal itself. Fully healed to whatever that means for me. I’m open to a new definition of healed looks like.
The other two health and happiness are also foci at the moment. I think that by healing my health and happiness will naturally follow.
Health – I’m looking at body, mind and soul health – doing what I can for each. Meditation is so healing for the body, mind and soul. I had forgotten how much better I feel when I do this daily. How do I do this? I opted into the Chopra Center for their daily meditations, I also have used Insight Timer for meditations. If you’d like to know more or discuss, contact me. Happy to discuss and share.
Happiness –A daily gratitude practice can lead to happiness – Plus a whole lot more. There are so many benefits from expressing gratitude. Check this out to learn the benefits and many different ways to express gratitude.
Here’s to you in the new year. May your compass find it’s true north and guide you on your journey.
If you or someone you know would like support in life or business with a word for the year, goal or intentions setting, please reach out and contact me. I provide a safe place to explore your life – both personal and professional. Latest client win is getting the job they wanted and leaving a job that wasn't fulfilling or a good fit!
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Teresa – Focusing on healing, health and happiness
Teresa Q. Bitner, M.Ed., PMP, PCC - Resiliency, Change and Loss Coach
Partnering with those who have been knocked down my life and want to build resiliency and move forward and live a bold life.
[email protected]
Author of:
• Soul Love: How A Dog Taught Me to Breathe Again
• The First Days Widow Journey
• Explorations into the Being and Doing of Coaching: A collection of voices, insights and wisdom from Austin area coaches