What is Imposter Syndrome? The term has been around since 1978. It's doubting your skills and abilities to get the job done. It’s often a close relative to perfectionism. It’s that voice in your head that wonders am I good enough?, what if I don’t know the right answer? It can also be doubting your accomplishments and feeling like a fraud.
Have you ever had Imposter Syndrome? Studies say 82% of us have.
I have in all of my various career roles. I remember fearfully driving home from a stressful day in high tech wondering when I’d be caught for not knowing enough to doing a good enough job, will I get fired ... I can derail myself with these thoughts and almost didn’t finish Soul Love (my 1st memoir) due to those negative thoughts.
This week’s clients have asking for support with Imposter Syndrome. It sounds like a quiet mumble while talking about work, stress and burnout. They tell themselves they are lucky vs. smart or talented. They can’t get over a mistake they made and spend unproductive time ruminating about it.
Who may be likely to feel like an imposter?
- Both men and women
- High achievers
- Those raised where success & achievement was highly valued
- Minorities
- Perfectionists
- Smart or know as genius
- Experts
- Super people – Wonder Woman – my go to
- Those who prefer to do it alone
Working with your impostor syndrome feelings.
- Acknowledge the thoughts and feelings
- Know they are feelings and not facts
- Acknowledge your expertise and celebrate it
- Develop self-compassion
- Do your best
- Curb the perfectionism
- Ask what is enough? Vs. what’s perfect or 100%
- Engage with mentors and others who support you
- Stop comparing yourself to others
- Limit social media
- Share and celebrate failures – you learned something!!
- Get help from others
If you’re feeling like a fraud or imposter, know that’s normal and you’re not alone. Remember you are NOT and lean into your resiliency skills. You are an awesome amazing person with unique gifts and talents. Never forget that.
If you would like support to quiet your impostor, please reach out and contact me. I love supporting my clients to get up and bounce back from life’s setbacks.
Click here to reach out to me or set up a 30min discovery call.
Peace, and blessings,
Teresa - Leaning into my unique gifts
Teresa Q. Bitner, M.Ed., PMP, ACC - Resiliency, Change and Loss Coach
Partnering with those who have been knocked down my life and want to build resiliency and move forward and live a bold life.
[email protected]
Author of Soul Love: How A Dog Taught Me to Breathe Again &
The First Days Widow Journey